Channel: Scola Dondo
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: weight loss tipsafrican workoutyoutube blackuk personal trainerhypothyroidismblack vloggerweight gaindondo youtubeunderactive thyroiduk vlogdance afrobeatscolascola dondothyroid symptomsscola workoutfitness ukscola dondo channelwhy you might be gaining weightyoutube scola dondothyroidits not your faultvlogdondoscola youtubeafrican personal trainer
Description: Back with another vlog! I really don't leave my house 😂 It's been a while since I've spoken about Hypothyroidism so I wanted to take time to talk about it and raise awareness. I hope this helps anyone that may be looking to get tested for under active thyroid! Stay Healthy & Luscious! x K E E P U P W I T H M E Instagram: Twitter: Blog: Facebook: Business inquiries email: